Parents tend to use different parenting styles to help correct and grow the behaviors of their children, however, each of these styles has different influences on the behavior of children. Apart from the parenting style, culture is another element that influences the outcomes, more so the learning experiences children have in school. So how do various parenting approaches impact on the behavior of children?

Being an Authoritarian Parent

If a parent uses forceful tactics in parenting, it may result in things like resentment, anger, and deceit. The relationship between the parent and the child dwindles. This kind of parenting approach makes kids anxious and feel insecure with their peers. They may react aggressively if they feel frustrated. The kids may feel unhappy and withdrawn when in school. Mostly, girls may lack motivation and want to be dependent, but boys are seen to be defiant and angry. Again, authoritarian parenting makes a child have low self-esteem.

Allowing Permissive Parenting

You may think that by a parent being non-punitive or not using forceful measures to call for proper behavior in a child does more good than harm. But that is not always the case. Parents who are loving, accepting, and non-punitive to a child allow a sense of selfishness and independence to manifest in the child. The child is not effectively taught how his or her actions are affecting others. In such situations, the child tends to be aggressive, impulsive, and lowly taking responsibilities.

Engaging in Uninvolved Parenting

If a parent combines permissiveness and indifference in correcting the behavior of a child, it may be harmful. This kind of parenting may result in neglect; a form of child abuse. In this situation, a child has few rules to follow – they are ignored or subjected to hostility. In the end, they are aggressive, show anger towards others, and have low self-esteem. Such children may develop antisocial behaviors often ending up being criminals.

What About Authoritative Parenting?

The most successful parents in their parenting efforts are those who nurture and set appropriate limits in helping a child change their behaviors. They discuss out things with the child and they are supportive while not going overboard. Such parents help their kids to be independent, autonomous, self-confident, cooperative, and self-controlled. In their mid-childhood or adolescence, children of these parents will be competent and have high self-esteem. They perform well in school and accept the moral standards of the society.

Often, children find themselves confused when parents aren’t consistent in their parenting approach. This can be quite damaging to a child because they may not know what to do or expect from their parent or other people. Authoritative parenting is more helpful to a child than the permissive, authoritarian, or uninvolved parenting.